Friday, November 14, 2014

Jacksonian Democracy: Arthur M.schiesinger, Jr Point of View

Jeffersonian Democracy was a scapegoat for the times problems of industrialism and aristocracy. It was a mere set of social choices for the rich aristocracy class to insure a “common vision” and offered possibilities of success and prosperity to the millions who suffered the tyranny of Britain and now were apart of state not of evil, but of one of sacredness that can be compared to nothing else. This hopla was a theological way of dealing with the government/democracy and had it’s limitations through maximums of the freedom of enterprise without government interference; making it very one dimensional. The issue of competition, in the eyes of Jefferson, was simple those most power will complete amongst themselves. However a the system of enterprise is far more complex than that, one central power arises it monopolizes the business around it. When these monopolies arise there will no longer me room or the possibility of composition for all the power is in one central group; this was the Jacksonian point of view.Jacksonian democracy, putting aside the centralized power issue, placed government in a more practical view in one that need government interference in order to exercise true freedom of enterprise and back to the root of true American democracy.


  1. I love the fact that you incorperate the idea of your speakers belifs into the paragraph. I understood the ideas that were asscociated with the jacksonian era.

  2. The starting sentence was amazing once i read it compelled to read more because i never thought of Jacksonian democracy as a scapegoat. Great work i completely understand the idea of Jacksonian Democracy.

  3. Thank you Marc. I'm glad that I was able to summarize my authors point of view clearly and efficiently of the Jacksonian Era.

  4. Yay!!! I feel academically proud! I'm glad that I was able to give you a new perceptive on the Jacksonian Democracy.
