Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Did Pocahontas save John Smith? I think not.

Though historical context there is a blur of the actual encounter of John Smith and native Pocahontas. Whether the iconic heroic act of Pocahontas to save John Smith from her enraged father, Chef of the Powhatan tribe, was more then just a myth. At the time English were beginning the act colonizing the Americas quite late in the game compared to the Spanish and  Portuguese, in the 1600's. In which they encountered conflicts amoungst natives through bloody wars in the few colonies such as, the first surviving settlement of the English, Jamestown whose ruler was John Smith due to his ability as a captain and later wrote experiences in the Americas in England that quite differed. This Inconsistency of documentation provides this level of hearsay that discredits the works of John Smith. Thus Pocahontas did not save John smith due to the the inconsistency of written statements and the later documentation of Pocahontas by Paul Lewis discrediting the "saving" story which was just that a story.

The events that transpire in the aftermath of John Smith captivity of the natives blur in the time rage of 1607- 1624 along with secondary view that clears the overall "encounter"  John Smith, governor of Jamestown and captain, documented his experience with Powhatan in 1607 depicting the natives a kind and generous in the True Revelation; document A. This document is the primary recording of the Natives toward John Smith himself. While Smith later changed his perspective in General History(Document B) in 1624 his published work is prone to influence resulting in false events required by Smith. Later seen in Paul Lewis sum up the actual events that transpire. Thus all documents prove that the interaction between Pocahontas and John Smith never happened.

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